...a space inside my heart,where i pregressivly collect memories,facts,words,things gathered ,found,mine or of others,all these to make me walk on the way of life ...
luni, 21 iunie 2010
marți, 15 iunie 2010
Axel Fernando – Te amo
amo lo que muestras o insinuas
amo lo que eres o imagino
te amo en lo ajeno y lo que es mio
amo lo que entregas, lo que escondes
amo tus preguntas, tus respuestas
yo amo tus dudas y certezas
te amo en lo simple y lo complejo
Y amo lo que dices, lo que callas
amo tus recuerdos, tus olvidos
amo tus olores, tus fragancias
te amo en el beso y la distancia
Y amo lo que amas yo te amo
te amo por amor sin doble filo
te amo y si pudiera no amarte
se que te amaria aun lo mismo
Y amo lo que amas yo te amo
te amo por amor a dar lo mio
te amo con orgullo de quererte
por que para amarte yo he nacido
Amo lo que seas y lo que puedas
amo lo que afirmas lo que niegas
amo lo que dices lo que piensas
te amo en lo que mides y lo que pesas
y amo lo que atrapas lo que dejas
amo tu alegria y tus tristezas
ta amo en la carne y en el alma
te amo en tus crisis y en tus calmas
Amo lo que pides y regalas
amo tus caricias, tus ofensas
amo tus instantes y lo eterno
te amo en tu cielo, en tu infierno.
luni, 14 iunie 2010
joi, 20 mai 2010
Trust and Faith... between Innocence and Maturity
I care to describe a fragment from the book "Faith and doubt" by Antony Bloom, as an answer to a dear person of mine, with a lot of faith towards a person, which her let him down.
"Faith is of many forms. It can be simple, childish, full of light and pure: as in trust, naivety, non-knowledge of evil, courage because one has not lived in cruelty, non-forgiveness, pain inflicted by meanness, intentionally.
This naivety is not a mature faith, is just a start of the faith dicovered in early years and sometimes it is kept in very pure and childish souls.
But this kind of faith is not enough.
It brings one to open up to the person beside him but with great grief as a price, and, in the mean time,it can not protect him from his mistakes.
And us, we are responsible for those we open up to.
On one hand, they can bring pain and sufferance (not to speak of great joy they can bring).On the other hand, if we obey to their will, we can create within them all that's evil and all the closure of what makes a person great.
Childish trust is not enough.
It has to exist another faith, much more mature. First of all, a solid faith, profound, in the fact that a person is full of light, truth and a lot of creative possibilities in developing himself.
If he is sustained,inspired, the chaos that exists in him could become his star.
This kind of faith is the trust in the fact that light and the justice within him shall win. This faith, this trust is not naivety. It grows along with life experience, based on self awareness, on understanding of life and of people."
so dear friend..you know what I've told you last time:-)and be stronger..damn stronger;-)
marți, 13 aprilie 2010
Sometimes,God send us an angel...mostly,we can't see this angel..and even when we can see him.. we used the biggest mistake that a man can do..to kill that angel..or even worst..we cut his wings as he can not be able to fly..and just because we not know how to keep and how to be happy with simple things wich life and God gave us...
And this make me wondering..we are human?
A good friend told to me yesterday about roses..especialy one rose...he said that rose is more wise than us..even if he lives for couple of week, he is a complete harmony with everything around him. Not trying to be someone else- for us this thing is suffering and pain..he not try anything.. is happy that there; maybe he is more happy than most of humans...
Until then,we are the same word illusion- "human being" ..
زيبايی و لطافت گل،
زير انگشتهای تشريح می پژمرد

luni, 12 aprilie 2010
You gave me freedom to love..
You show me my way..you show me who really I am and what I really want...
You told my I can have everythig..
Watching you, I saw the face of TRUE LOVE..
You show me your fears..Then,I saw my fears..
Then I felt lost..Why I didn't meet you years ago... our steps went followed separate ways .. and now your steps are heading towards another path ...I'm glad and I'm grateful even for this walk...who knows where my road goes?
I understood I have no reason to worry...everything is happening with a reason..
My words are to poor,to small for what I want to tell you..
Somehow,I think you already know..
So, its time to smile... and to walk beside you..beside your soul..
joi, 18 martie 2010
Distance is the cog wheel
on the haunted axle of my hearing,

grinding fine the deadened mind
of that unborn god
waiting to be caught
by the earth's blue speed,
and carrying in a handled urn
the plucked heart - ours,
it's beating, it's heard, it's beating, it's heard,
a sphere in wild growth -
the roads are wet with tears,
memory frail and elastic,
a sling for stones, a gondola
drowned in childlike Venices,
a tooth yanked from the cells with a string -
down the empty socket of Vesuvius. And you exist.
(by Nichita Stanescu)
From the book "Bas-Relief with Heroes"
english translation by Thomas Carlson and Vasile Poenaru.
Thanks to Ehsan for this wonderful Iranian miniature:-)
luni, 8 martie 2010
I'm sorry...

Why, when we want to make a nice gesture, meant to banish someones anger, this is misinterpreted?
Why always the negatives vibration waves appear and distort the content of a message, a gesture that is meant to be positive?
It's hard for me to accept the ideeas that this "it was to be "....???
Today was Mother's Day...or International Woman's Day as many know..
I sent to my mother an electronic greeting card ... (too little compared to what I could tell about what my mother made for me and my sister ... including our birth...) with a wonderful message...
She was impressed...
But,a few minutes ago, she asked me "tell me from where did you get that message ? is it even true??what you wrote came from you and your sister or are just lies?"
I was taken unawares (I was doing a project) and I threw a reply like "was a nice gesture ..." and I could not finish it because my mother concluded sec " WAS ONLY A GESTURE...
I UNDERSTAND. THANKS.GOOD NIGHT"...I immediately regretted what I said .
without no intention to do it, I hurt her...
Now I wonder why when exactly we do not want , is happen to break one's heart...I'm sorry...I hope she will be better tomorow...and will get over...life is short and wonderful..even with mistakes...bigger or not...
Happy Mother's Day Mom...WE LOVE YOU!!!
(even you belive us or not)

And Happy Birthday to All Mothers around the world!!!! and Womans also!!!
luni, 1 martie 2010
duminică, 28 februarie 2010
"Martisor" for friends
joi, 25 februarie 2010
Me and God
God said: But for 4 days only!
i said Yes, let then be a Spring day, Autumn day, Summer day and Winter day!
God said: No 3 days
I said Yes, Yesterday, Today and Tommorow
God Said: No 2 days
I said Yes,a Bright day(Day time) and Dark Day(Night time)
God said: No just 1 day I said Yes God said which day?
I said Everyday!
God Laughed and said "you realy know how to negociate but since you are praying and asking happiness for your friends i cant refuse... i love every one who think of others first so don't worry All your friends will be happy everyday !!!!!"

marți, 23 februarie 2010
Nothing more,nothing less
Although recently my life walked into obscurity, becoming a machine that works the same stupid, dull way, I manage sometimes to stop and look at the world around me ... to see its evolution, to see what I have lost or what I have gained by ignoring it ... to see if the oppressed Cinderella became the Princess or vice versa ... or, worse, become a toad ...
I stop at a corner, I support one pole, and I lit a cigarette ... a look around me and cold shudder passes through my spine and makes me a become rough as a hedgehog ... I feel sick ...
And all I managed to see is the ugliness of a world comprised of desperation , disfigured worries, full of hatred and sickness ... ugly words are hindering my hearing ... different words in forms of violence occur in front of me hiding under the protective mantle of the concept of "democratic society" ...
I finished my cigarette ... it's time to move on ... in less than 5 minutes I saw the world just as I hoped not to be ... It's sad.. but I cannot cry ... "Do not cry if you're crushed, if you made yourself a worm.
Yeah ... after all; each is responsible for his faith ...